Friday, January 6, 2012

Two Four

And, finally, I'm 24 years old. Not embarassed at all. Come on, let's face reality. We all get old eventually. I should quit denying it despite the fact that I don't like it.

Ah yes, the age I should graduate from University.

The age I should learn to be more grown up.

The age I should stop playing the sims social hah! Not a chance. LOL! :P Sorry, I still love that game too much to stop. Well, unless I'm too busy with my work then what choice have I got.

The age I should get my driving license T___T Gosh so embarassing! I should have gotten a driving license AGES ago!

The age I should learn to improve on my weaknesses.

The age I should learn not to expect too much in order to avoid disappointment (Yes, I'm such a coward :S )

The age I should learn to overcome stress and not let stress 'overcome' me.

And most importantly, the age I will leave my youth years behind me and prepare to work. T_T

Where will the future take me, I don't know. I'm as scared as hell but what can I do, I've got to face it one way or another. I'm not ready to be honest. But if I wait till the day I'm ready, I don't think that day will ever come. . So I better just face it when it's time to face it. I'm going to go for my very first interview on 16th of January. No matter what, I must be prepared for it. I don't want to end up totally clueless and stutter when I answer the questions. Please God, guide me through it. I put all my trust in You. Amen.

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