Okay, I just realize that I've not blog at all since coming back to Uni.
I've been really busy lately. I'm trying to finish all my FIS tutorials this sem and seriously it's SO much work!
I have a lot of things to blog about actually but I can't find the time and inspiration to do so yet. So hence this short blog post.
I want to write about my trip to Macau, GuangZhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong during CNY, but it'll take TOO much of my time so I'll leave that when I have sufficient time to write k? Honestly I've forgotten most of the things about the trip so *cross fingers* that I would be able to write a proper post about it whenever I can. :S Ok the truth is, I've been procrastinating that post cos I am also a bit lazy to blog. gah! I don't know where is my inspiration to blog already T___T I love blogging but the feel to blog seems to have fade a little bit. I think I'm just pure lazy to blog. :P and there's so so much things to do. Assignments, workshops, mid semester test are all coming up! I hope I have enough time to complete it all T_T *sigh*
Anyways, it's late and I need to sleep now and I don't know what else to write about except complain and complain and yes, more complains. lol. I don't want to bore you guys so I think this is all for now. I just want to update my blog with this short blog post actually. It seems so... empty without any new post. hmm, maybe i do miss blogging after all. :)
I'll just end this post with this pic :)
This is how the view looks like. I honestly can't remember which hotel i think this view. T__T was it Macau or GuangZhou? haih bad memory, i should have named this picture or something so I can remember, =_= why only now I thought of it.
If anyone of you recognize where is this, do let me know. Thanks in advance! :) wait, i have a relapse of memory, I think i see Macau Tower in this pic, so this is Macau? Ok, I'm not sure actually T_T
right, time to sleep! nitez!
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