Can you spot the kitty? =)
*sigh* I miss my MewMew =(
I took this picture after dinner last night. I love this pic of them cos eeee... they are so cute la.. *grins* It was the first time we all cook together and eat in the hostel. Soooo... nice... :D We enjoyed it so much that we did the same thing again tonight. lol. I should have took picture of the food Steph cooked la. Hmm.. It's okay. I think still got plenty of chance to do that. Tomorrow Chai Yung will cook. I wanted to cook tomorrow but I got Malaysian Studies class till 7.30pm. -_- cis.
Anyways, Steph, Pam, Sally and Celestine gave me a surprise belated Birthday Present last night. Lol. I must say, I was extremely surprised. Nonetheless, I'm grateful for their lovely gift. :)
A purse! Aww... got kitty on it some more. *muahks* Thanks so much!
A lovely purse like this deserves a little bit of showing off.
animob brand. :D
Even got a story on how this brand was created. LOL. So cute!!
Anyways, Steph, Pam, Sally and Celestine gave me a surprise belated Birthday Present last night. Lol. I must say, I was extremely surprised. Nonetheless, I'm grateful for their lovely gift. :)
Okies, enough talking about the purse. hehe...
On the way to The Spring today, ( We went there to buy some Vege to cook for our dinner tonight), Steph saw something 'like the picture above'. At first, I thought those were just rain clouds. Then I squinted and look at it more clearly. It's actually some place or building or house or whatever that caught on fire. =( How horrible... I wonder if it'll appear in the papers tomorrow.
I think I want to sleep now. My eyes are getting really sore and tired already.
Nite nite all.
Nite nite all.
Eee...So good~ Hehehe.. Hostel-cooked food (instead of home-cooked).. lol.. What are they doing (Steph and Pamela)?? Hehe.. U ask them to pose kah or it was candid shot? Lol..
Hehe.. Wah, fire?? Count on Stephanie to be really observant.. ALways the first to notice something..Lol.. That girl has eagle eyes, you know.. LOL..
Yup. hostel-cooked food. lol. Steph & Pam were doing some poses ma.. Then I say so nice.. So I said I take pic of them posing lo. Not a candid shot I guess. hehe..
Yea.. Fire.. Still don't know what building kena burn tho. Steph memang got eagle eyes one. LOL! she's the 1 who always can spot sth from far. Her eyes still so good...
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