I'm thinking whether I should do something to my hair again.
It's annoying me. So messy. T_T And it feels like I'm having a broom (the type that is made of 'lidi' and some strands of 'lidi' falls-off-each-time-you-sweep kind of broom) as my hair.
I feel like cutting it shorter. The haircut I had wasn't the type that I had in mind. But to tell you the truth, I dare not try the hairstyle that I had in mind. But now I'm actually having second thoughts about that. Perhaps I should just follow the type of hairstyle/haircut that i want. =/
I feel like doing rebonding too. That way I won't have the 'broom type' kinda of hair. But then what if it looks too flat and awful. eeps!
I'm still deciding whether I should do something about it or not. I'm afraid that if I do, I'll look even worse :(
Urgh! I hate making decisions. =__=
I saw your hairstyle at facebook.. looks nice owh.. hehe... why can become broom-like one?? Maybe can follow some of Hanis's tips rambut.. If too short, later susah terurus like my hair.. Now my hair damn short lo.. Always wana kiau here kiau there.. Huhu.. i actually wanted a different hairstyle too, the one like halle berry short punya.. haha.. but my head shape susah wana do that kind.. since your head shape is round and nice, easier for you to choose hairstyle... do consult the hairstylist ask for the opinion, since i am not expert.. huhu..
Oh that in facebook pic is when i had temporary rebonding. Again. LOL.
Now my hair also kiau here and there.. lol so i completely understand what you mean and how you feel.
I wanna cut it short too.. But the hairdresser say dont cut too short, later will kiau here and there. (unless i straighten it of cos). I'm just having doubts about doing rebonding cos im afraid I'll look funny. Hair too flat later. Actually i feel like my hairstyle no diff also. Just shorter only. No drastic changes ( I wan more drastic one!! but actually also don't dare to do any drastic changes T_T)
Hmm, drastic change will be good too cause if you don't do it now, when kan? But there's risk, you may like it or not.. If you're lucky, the drastic change will show can show who u are if you're comfortable with the hairstyle. if not comfortable with it, it will bring out a side of you, how you should act, according to the hairstyle. Drastic change can let you embrace your personality more, to let you know yourself, whether you are really who you are.. Like now, e.g, once i rambut pendek, i am more cho lo than before.. so after this i wana try rambut panjang back to see if i am still cho lo or i act according to my kesesuaian appearance or not.. hehe.. hmm, weird issue that i am bringing up here, i dnt know why i connect hairstyle with personality pulak.. hahah..
LOL, Mau.. Well, I think we all just have different personalities inside of us. But I suppose that our outlook will actually change how we act. Like let's say if we wear dresses/skirts or heels (tee hee. which reminds me that day in church u wear heels and carry a small handbag.. wah.. different girl i see. And you look great too!! :D ), we tend to be more ladylike.. And that time u still have your long hair. So i think u're right about the thing about our outlook causes changes to our personality..
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