Monday, January 19, 2009


I just finish revising worksheet, income statement and balance sheet a few minutes ago. Then i decide to come upstairs for a nap. But then since my laptop is on, i thought, hey, why not check the Blackboard. See whether there are any updates or not. Well, they are. Re-sit schedule is out. And also another thing that was in the announcement. It goes like this:~

Re-sit exam scope:

"Dear All,

The resit exam will cover all topics including topic 5, ratio analysis. About 50% of the questions will draw from FA and the balance will come from MA topics.

Regards, Damien"

My reaction: *gapes in horror* *gasps* *screams* *muttered "shit!"* ( I really did all of those. And no, I'm not being dramatic.)

There goes my plan to have a nap. Okay, well since I'm going to write this post i might as well just say it. Yes, I failed my accounting. And i got the re-sit. First of all, I will say that I am eternally grateful that i got the re-sit. But seriously! TOPIC 5, RATIO ANALYSIS?!? NO!!!!!! It's the absolute worst and most difficult chapter in Accounting for Success! So damn many formulas to memorize for this chapter. I didn't have that topic in my previous final exam because we did it in our assignment already. But why?! why must the re-sit have this topic? T___T *sigh* Definitely no more "Happy" Chinese New Year for me.T________T why did i fail in the first place? Argh!!!!!! I deserve this. :'( I feel like the feeling of regret is going to swallow me anytime now.

Bye now. Just want to hurl my frustration into my blog. Now, i can go cram everything into my brain. Re-sit is on the 9 of February. Not much time left to study.


Maureen's Heart said...

all the best in your re-sit AManda!! Jia you!! Jia you!! Maybe you need a study group with Steph?? - well, as long as it doesn't end in music-downloading instead. Hehe.. THe answer can digoreng or not? Sometimes people can goreng the answers till the lecturer confused but will give you mark because they want to pura2 faham what you wrote.. Hehe.. Sorry for my crazy tips here and they are not helping either.. I hope I can help, but accounting is so foreign to me.. Hehe.. Good luck.. Ha, pray to St Jude too.. ;)

Petite Amanda said...

oh, Thanks Maureen! I hope I can do the best too. The re-sit going to cost me RM300. So hope will be worth it la. lol. Maybe will study group with Steph. :) hey, those are Mdm. LNH's words.. lol. "digoreng".. I think can 'goreng' la the answers.. but preferably not to. unless really no choice ( that is when i stare n the ques n really dono how to do), then i will 'goreng' la. hopefully got few answers that r correct in there. XD haha.. it's okay Mau, even tho i'm studying acc, it's still pretty foreign to me too..

Okies~ thanks! I will pray to St. Jude too.

Maureen's Heart said...

Haha.. yea.. That's LNH words - and Peter's too.. (Mbe he's LNH favourite student) Yup, have to make it worth it.. Sometimes I felt that the university purposely want you guys to resit to gain your money.. :s