I was so.... sad and depressed! Cos my stupid 012 cannot call out. All outgoing international calls has been blocked and I have no idea why. T________________T I even tried to use 016 to call out. My credit is like less than RM2 ady that time. Termakan RM0.47 for each second I kena your handphone's answering machine. :S haih. Feel so guilty. You call me on my Birthday but I didn't. :( Sorry, Diana! I miss you like crazy. (wah. this sentence sounds familiar. like a lyric of a song. lol) T___________T extra, extra emo on this day. haih. It has been a year since i last saw her. T___________________T Diana, I buy extra lovely B'day present for u.. :D What you want? hehe... I try to buy anything you want, oh except anything that costs more than RM1000 la. I not yet start working eh.. Don't be like Bernard. Ask him what he want for his Birthday he replied "I want a laptop" O_O Stupid. Macamlah I so rich. -_-" I end up buying a Body Glove T-shirt for him. hahahahhaha :P
Okay, cut the emoness and continue Birthday Dedication to Diana, Amanda. (talking to self)
Okie, Diana is both a great & evil sister at the same time. We fight and quarrel and argued but I guess no matter what we still adore each other.. hor? hor?! :P *don't vomit la.*
She helped me a lot and made me laugh a lot. Sometimes we will chat in the room at night till so late. hahahhaa... gossip about teachers in our high school :X
She bullies me and sometimes mulut macam laser but nevermind la, forgive and forget. >_< She's incredibly smart and I admire her for that.
She studies really hard for her exams and sometimes she studies till like 3am on the bed and will tertidur and then I will wake her up to sleep properly and then shocked to see her continue studying. O_O I'm speechless after that. Don't know how she can stand. I believe she always do last minute studying. *it runs in the gene, obviously. xS*
Okay I will end this post with her picture. A lot of things to write actually but.. wah. tired liau la.

This picture apparently is Diana's favourite picture. It's the exact same picture on her Facebook Profile since the day she first opened her Facebook Account. =_________=
Yeah, she's the one and only Lady Di.. Hehe.. I heard from Melissa that's Diana is so good at taking care of her book too.. Though she is very smart and used her book a lot, her book still looked new and smooth. Totally opposite of me.. my new book looked old though i barely touch them...
Wow, you bought bodyglove t-shirt for Bernard? SO generous of you.. ;) If me, I will just buy a notebook (as in buku nota) it's for him cause it's cheaper if he asked for laptop from me.. ;) Well, it will come in handy to write all that spm notes inside, right?
hmph yea.. and if rosakkan her books ( eg: i made her form 6 Biology textbook cacat.) kena bomb. huhu.. But I rmbr Mr. Wong or one of my teachers said that if your book looks old2 like that it means that u've been studying a lot. haih but i'm opposite of that la. Cos don reli study also.
haha.. yeap. I bought that for him.. and also.. it was on discount.. LOL. so cost my abt RM30++ la.. still, it's more expensive that my shirts. my shirts mostly cost less than RM30(cos i very frugal when it comes to buying shirts T_T)
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