Lourdes I will try to keep it simple. There's too much to write and I don't want to say it all cos if I do then there's nothing much left to discover for yourself, huh? =) I should tell you that I re-installed Xiu Xiu just for the sake of making this post easier to blog about and also so the picture would look prettier and different from the one in my Facebook. lol! I'm going to uninstall it once I'm done blogging about the trip cos one thing about Xiu Xiu is that it has virus and worms that comes with the whole file. =/ I can't find the ones without viruses.

Hungry so we ate in one shop on the way to the Sanctuary.

Food! Urm sorry about the background. I wanted to change it back to the one I wanted but I don't have the skill to do that T___T I don't know how to read Chinese some more. Putting all these pics in one saves time cos I don't have to upload one by one. Hehe!

Asking Diana: are you taking candid pictures again?

The view from the hotel

On the way to the Sanctuary there are all sorts of scenery like these. :)

The camera start to malfunction just as we approach the Sanctuary T_T, thus the blur pic.

Three shades!

A must not miss place to visit here is the
Grotto. This is where St. Bernadette saw Mother Mary.

There are benches for everyone to sit and pray here.
This is also where I prayed really, really hard for my FIS. And these prayers came true. :)
Oh! OH! and I have a funny incident to tell. So the day before I went to pray here, I went to confession. The confessions are not much different from the confessions in my hometown. There were many rooms and on the door there are notices that shows what languages the priest can understand. Anyways, that has nothing to do with what I'm going to say next but I just want to explain how it is like to go to Confession in Lourdes. :)
I was wearing this shirt that says "It's about Me" and when the priest asked hey, what does it say on my shirt? It was a rather embarrassing moment for me, cos it's like I'm selfish or something T_T oh wow! But it was quite funny. I just laughed and read it out for him anyways and said, oh-oh I didn't buy this shirt, my friend bought it for me. And it's the truth!

:) Hello Mother Mary!

There was a mass later on in the evening.

Attended by millions of people! Even though this picture doesn't show much.
We also visited
St. Bernadette's home. It was really simple and it looks like she had quite a tough life. I think you should read the story about her. It's really interesting and sad at the same time. You have to pay some amount to enter her house. I can't remember how many Euros though.

A painting of how the Grotto used to look like.

This is where St. Bernadette sleeps. She has to sleep near the window because of her asthma.

To end this Lourdes post, here's a family picture:

It was quite enlightening to be here. I felt really peaceful somehow and all my worries seem to have gone away. I can't really explain the feelings, I think it's something you have to experience it yourself. Definitely a must-visit place for everyone especially Catholics. :)
Ok the end!
Next post I will combine London and Paris together! :)