Monday, February 23, 2009

Semester 2, here I come. Oh, joy?

As usual I can't sleep again so i end up blogging. Again. Bah, I hate insomnia. Actually I think I should not have long afternoon naps. After all, classes are going to start next week. I'm half looking forward to going back to Uni actually. I know the stress and assignments will be double of Semester 1. But part of me can't wait to go back to Uni. Hang out with friends, getting ready for lectures, tutorials & labs( I don't know what labs will be like in the Business stream but I think it has something to do with computers so yays! I think seeing the word "Labs" actually made me feel all excited cos i think it reminded me of Science Lab thingy in Secondary School :D, not that I will doing any experiments or anything unless experimenting on computers counts as experiments. hehe, I'm rambling. Ignore me. ).

Right so anyways, I think I won't be able to online that much in Uni now that we won't be able to use Deconnexion anymore cos my room cannot really detect the Deconnexion Line, so, I thought I would like to write down the modules I'll be taking this coming semester which is next week and eeps.. I cannot wait!! Somehow I feel like a geek/nerd by saying that but whatever, I think I'm kind of a geek also anyways :P I also know I will not think how much I look forward to the new semester once I get the assignments. T_T

Here are the modules I'll be taking:~

1. Financial Information System ( I think this will be the-most-hated-subject for the semester.We have labs for this module tho. Let's hope that's the perk of this module. )

2. Organisation & Management ( No idea what is this. hope it is interesting tho. )

3. Law in Global Business ( I heard that this is boring[that's what i think anyways] and hard and have a lot of things to memorize. T__T)

4. Introduction to Business Information Systems ( The subject itself sounds kinda boring. But then again most of the things in Business Stream is pretty boring. But this one have labs too so hope that'll be the perk of it. )

5. Malaysian Studies ( Ah, yes. The loathful subject. I should have taken this last semester but I thought I could take it during Summer Semester but I cannot do so, so I have to take it now.)

2 am. Cue to must sleep before it gets too late.

P.S: I have a lot of shopping to do before going back to Uni. *sigh* I'm not happy about that cos I want to finish reading Twilight before I go back to Uni but I keep delay the reading cos I'm too busy watching Gilmore Girls Season 4 instead. And, I really hope Labs wouldn't be something hard or boring or useless.


Anonymous said...

Ei, Malaysian studies is only taken by the international students in my uni... How come you guys taking it too??

Petite Amanda said...

yeap.. I think maybe Private Uni students must take lo.. no choice.. Clare also got take.. ee... so good la.. u no need to take..